Machine Learning for Predicting Fracture Strain in Sheet Metal Forming

"Machine Learning for Predicting Fracture Strain in Sheet Metal Forming" is an article that belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Neural Network Prediction in Metal Forming Processes
- "Machine Learning for Predicting Fracture Strain in Sheet Metal Forming" is an article that belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Neural Network Prediction in Metal Forming Processes
"Machine Learning for Predicting Fracture Strain in Sheet Metal Forming" is an article that belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Neural Network Prediction in Metal Forming Processes
- Abstract:
- Machine learning models are built to predict the strain values for which edge cracking occurs in hole expansion tests. The samples from this test play the role of sheet metal components to be manufactured, in which edge cracking often occurs associated with a uniaxial tension stress state at the critical edges of components. For the construction of the models, a dataset was obtained experimentally for rolled ferritic carbon steel sheets of different qualities and thicknesses. Two types of tests were performed: tensile and hole expansion tests. In the tensile test, the yield stress, the tensile strength, the strain at maximum load and the elongation after fracture were determined in the rolling and transverse directions. In the hole expansion test, the strain for which edge cracking occurs, was determined. It is intended that the models can predict the strain at fracture in this test, based on the knowledge of the tensile test data. The machine learning algorithms used were Multilayer Perceptron, Gaussian Processes, Support Vector Regression and Random Forest. The traditional polynomial regression that fits a 2nd order polynomial function was also used for comparison. It is shown that machine learning-based predictive models outperform the traditional polynomial regression method; in particular, Gaussian Processes and Support Vector Regression were found to be the best machine learning algorithms that enable the most robust predictive models.
"Machine Learning for Predicting Fracture Strain in Sheet Metal Forming" is an article that belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Neural Network Prediction in Metal Forming Processes
- By: Marques, A.E.; Dib, M.A.; Khalfallah, A.; Soares, M.S.; Oliveira, M.C.; Fernandes, J.V.; Ribeiro, B.M.; Prates, P.A. Machine Learning for Predicting Fracture Strain in Sheet Metal Forming. Metals 2022, 12, 1799. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12111799
Access full article on: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4701/12/11/1799
- Access full article on:
- https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4701/12/11/1799
- 25/10/2022