- Toolpresse is part of TOOLING 4G project consortium -
- TOOLING 4G – Advanced Tools for Smart Manufacturing, is a mobilizing project that seeks to generate knowledge, anticipate and accelerate skills and innovative solutions for the international market within Cluster Engineering & Tooling.
- The project involves 19 companies from plastic and mould sector, 1 software company and 11 non-business entities, including 1 sectoral entity and 10 entities of the National Scientific and Technological System. It is supported by ANI through the R&DT Business Incentive System - Mobilizing Programs and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through COMPETE2020 and Lisbon2020.
- For more info: https://ani.pt/reuniao-de-kick-off-do-projeto-tooling4g/
- 20/05/2018