1. Preface
1. Preface
This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Tecnisata Industrial Group companies (Tecnisata, Micronorma, Toolpresse and Smart Improve Consulting) and establishes that all its employees recognize their ethical responsibilities.
- This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Tecnisata Industrial Group companies (Tecnisata, Micronorma, Toolpresse and Smart Improve Consulting) and establishes that all its employees recognize their ethical responsibilities.
- All employees, internally or externally, base their work on the ethical principles and values associated with the Tecnisata Industrial Group, adopting behaviors based on social and environmental responsibility, strict compliance with the law and regulations and strict respect for the universal principles of dignity and human rights.
- The activity of Tecnisata Industrial Group and its employees is guided by its reference standards of rigor, impartiality, transparency, cooperation and responsibility, integrity and justice.
- This code of conduct applies to all entities and all departments of Tecnisata Industrial Group, and in particular to directors/managers, but also to all employees, serving as support for all relationships, internal and external of Tecnisata Industrial Group.
- The ethical guidelines contained in this code of conduct are generally based on the basic principles of the United Nations Global Compact (annex), the ILO Conventions, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations conventions relating to of the Child, in the conventions related to the eradication of any and all forms of discrimination against women, as well as in the OECD directives for international companies. The following points 2 to 6 represent the minimum standards and aim to prevent situations that could compromise the integrity of the company and its employees.
- Tecnisata Industrial Group respects the basic principles of the Global Compact and its management strives to achieve its objectives.

2. General principles, law and justice
2. General principles, law and justice
Tecnisata Industrial Group is committed to complying with its social responsibilities in all of its business activities.
- Tecnisata Industrial Group is committed to complying with its social responsibilities in all of its business activities.
- In all its commercial actions and decisions, it undertakes to take into account and comply with the respective legislation in force, as well as with all other provisions applicable in the countries in which it operates or has activity, treating its business partners in a fair manner. The Group honors and respects its contracts, always taking into account possible changes to regulatory frameworks.

3. Corruption / Competition law / Forced labor / Child labor
3. Corruption / Competition law / Forced labor / Child labor
a) Corruption
a) Corruption
- During communication and all contacts with business partners (customers, suppliers and others) and state institutions, the interests of companies and organizations will always be kept away from the private interests of their employees. Activities and decisions (buying, contracting, etc.) are made without any kind of secondary consideration or personal interests.
- The local anti-corruption legislation in force will be respected.
- Among other things, the following should be taken into account:
- Transgressions related to public officials
- The granting of personal benefits (especially in cash, such as payments and loans, including the granting of small gifts over a certain period of time) by Tecnisata Industrial Group and its employees to public officials and employees is not permitted (in this condition) with the aim of obtaining benefits for the Group or for themselves or third parties.
- Transgressions during activities
- It is forbidden to offer, promise, consent or grant personal benefits in exchange for favors in commercial relations. Likewise, any personal benefits cannot be demanded or accepted in the development of the Group's activities. Tecnisata Industrial Group will take the necessary measures at any time so that its employees do not seek any type of benefits of that type.
- In the course of commercial relations, Tecnisata Industrial Group's management and employees may not offer, promise, demand, grant or accept any type of gifts, payments, invitations or services, granted with the intention of improperly influencing a commercial relationship or if there is a danger that they jeopardize the professional independence of business partners. Excluded from this characterization are gifts and invitations that are within the normal limits of hospitality, courtesy and custom.
- Tecnisata Industrial Group will carry out a compulsory directive regarding the acceptance or granting of gifts, invitations to events or entertainment. This may also establish exceptions with regard to symbolic gifts or gifts of low value, business meals and suitable events, organized by the companies themselves or even by business partners (customers, suppliers). The directive will be published and made known to Tecnisata Industrial Group, being also communicated to potential or existing business partners.
- Tecnisata Industrial Group will designate a person who can be contacted if any employee of Tecnisata Industrial Group finds himself in a situation of conflict of interest or if he is not sure of the existence or possibility of existence of a conflict of interest.
b) Behavior towards competitors (competition law)
- Tecnisata Industrial Group respects fair competition, guided by the laws in force, which protect and encourage competition, especially competition laws and regulations.
- With regard to contact with competitors, these regulations prohibit, in particular, collusion and other activities that may influence prices or conditions, which may distribute sales areas and customers or which inadmissibly hinder or restrict free and open competition. In addition, such legislation prohibits agreements between customers and suppliers that restrict the customer's freedom to determine, individually and autonomously, prices and other conditions when reselling (determining prices and conditions).
- Bearing in mind the fact that differentiating between prohibited cartels and legitimate collaboration can be problematic, Tecnisata Industrial Group provides its employees with a contact person to whom they can always turn in case of doubts.
c) Forced labor
- Tecnisata Industrial Group rejects any form of forced labor.
d) Child labor
- Tecnisata Industrial Group complies with the regulations of the United Nations regarding human and children's rights and undertakes, in particular, to comply with the agreements regarding the minimum age for the performance of work (provision 138 of the International Labor Organization) as well as the agreement concerning the eradication of the worst forms of child labor (International Labor Organization provision 182). In countries where child labor legislation sets more stringent standards, these take precedence and must be strictly adhered to.

4. Basic principles of social responsibility
4. Basic principles of social responsibility
a) Human rights
a) Human rights
- Tecnisata Industrial Group respects and supports the compliance of recognized universal human rights.
b) Discrimination, behavior in the workplace
- Tecnisata Industrial Group undertakes, within the scope of the law and legislation in force, to confront and combat any form of discrimination. This applies in particular to discrimination against employees based on gender, race, disability, ethical or cultural background, religion or worldview, age or sexual orientation. Nor will any form of violence or harassment, which also includes sexual harassment, be tolerated. An open conversation environment within the company, guided by acceptance of different cultures and thoughts, contributes substantially to an active approach to problems and even to preventing them from occurring. This also improves the working environment and employee satisfaction. Therefore, the aim is to create an atmosphere in which it is possible to work productively and respectfully.
- Genuine commitment to collaborative behavior in the workplace improves both internal and external perceptions of the company, thus putting us at an advantage in relationships with customers, suppliers, and competitors in nowadays, multicultural and globalized markets.
- The Group is committed to promoting an atmosphere of partnership and collaboration in the workplace. And employees are committed to contributing by their behavior to an atmosphere of partnership and collaboration in the workplace.

c) Health protection
c) Health protection
- Tecnisata Industrial Group guarantees occupational safety and health protection in the workplace, in accordance with national provisions. Tecnisata Industrial Group supports the development and continuous improvement of working conditions.
d) Fair and safe working conditions
- Tecnisata Industrial Group respects the right of its employees, namely the right of association, within the scope of the legislation in force to prevent and combat the practice of harassment at work, in order to guarantee the safeguarding of the moral integrity of workers and other collaborators, ensuring, namely, the right to working conditions that respect the individual dignity of each person.
- Tecnisata Industrial Group is committed to defending the values of non-discrimination and combating harassment at work. Harassment is considered to be all unwanted behavior, whether verbal, non-verbal or physical, practiced when accessing employment or in employment, work or professional training, with the aim or effect of disturbing or embarrassing a person, of affecting its dignity, or create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or destabilizing environment for them.
- The knowledge of any situation of harassment gives rise to the initiation of disciplinary proceedings and constitutes the obligation of all persons to whom this Code applies to denounce any irregular practices of which they are aware, providing due cooperation in any disciplinary proceedings or criminal investigation by the respective competent authorities. A specific protection regime will be guaranteed for the whistleblower and witnesses in procedures related to situations of harassment, guaranteeing the confidentiality, impartiality, efficiency and speed of the process.

e) Protection of the environment
e) Protection of the environment
- Tecnisata Industrial Group is committed to pursuing the objective of protecting and preserving the environment for this and future generations. All laws enacted for the protection of the environment must be respected. Tecnisata Industrial Group encourages its employees to behave consciously towards nature.
f) Confidentiality
- Tecnisata Industrial Group requires its employees to comply with and maintain the confidentiality of operational and business secrets. Both confidential information and documents cannot be given to third parties, nor can they be made available in any way, unless any type of authorization has been given or if it is public domain information.

5. Suppliers
5. Suppliers
Tecnisata Industrial Group transmits the basic principles established
- Tecnisata Industrial Group transmits the basic principles established in point 3 of this code of conduct to its direct suppliers, requires compliance with the content of point 3 of the code of conduct as far as possible by its suppliers and also encourages them to comply with the same. Furthermore, Tecnisata Industrial Group also recommends that its suppliers, in turn, ask their own suppliers to also respect this code of conduct.
6. Conformity
6. Conformity
Tecnisata Industrial Group's management undertakes to inform its employees regarding the contents established
- Tecnisata Industrial Group's management undertakes to inform its employees regarding the contents established in this code of conduct, as well as the obligations arising therefrom.
- Tecnisata Industrial Group undertakes, particularly through the creation and, if necessary, the adaptation of directives and processes, to ensure that the various departments can comply with the basic principles of this TIG code of conduct.
- The contact partner for questions about this code of conduct is Tecnisata Industrial Group' Management.
- The introduction and compliance with this code of conduct is subject to various controls and plausibility inspections, within the scope of the company's internal control system.